If you are looking for an unusual solution for a shower cabin, then textured glass can satisfy all your requirements. It compares favorably with the classic clear or frosted glass in its originality. The technology of its manufacture allows creating any three-dimensional patterns at the shower door.
A few words about the technology of manufacturing of such glass. The heated glass is passed between two rollers, which have a volumetric pattern. As a result, the pattern is printed on the glass. The glass can be textured from one or both sides.
Benefits and Opportunities
Patterned glass can have a different level of transparency, depending on your needs. This property makes it very suitable for a shower. It is able to provide the necessary level of privacy.
This pattern will never burn out. In addition, three-dimensional patterns combine with lighting very beautifully. For this reason, it is advisable to add a built-in light to such a shower. The combination of colored light and textured glass will make the shower door the real decoration of the bathroom.
Textured glass can be colored or gradient. In this case, the most usual monochrome color will look impressive. Due to the volumetric patterns, the color will not be so uniform. While passing through such a glass, the light will illuminate its parts in different ways, creating shadows and highlights.