Properties of Glass as a Substance

Glass is an inorganic isotropic substance, a material known and used since ancient times. There is glass in its natural form, in the form of minerals (obsidian - volcanic glass), but in practice, it is most often found as a product of glassmaking - one of the oldest technologies in the material culture of mankind.

Tempered Glass
Tempered Glass

From the point of view of the structure, glass is an amorphous substance belonging to the solid state / liquid state.

In practice, there are a huge number of glass modifications, implying a lot of various utilitarian features. They differ in composition, structure, chemical and physical properties.

Regardless of the chemical composition and temperature range of solidification, glass has the physicomechanical properties of a solid and a highly viscous liquid. This means that glass flows under normal conditions, retaining the ability of a reversible transition from a liquid to a glassy state. However, the viscosity of glass at room temperature is so great that the fluidity of glass has no practical significance: it does not manifest itself in any noticeable way over time periods of tens and hundreds of years.
Frosted Glass Doors
Frosted Glass Doors

At present, glass materials of an extremely wide, truly universal range of application have been developed. The inherent properties of glass, such as transparency, reflectivity, resistance to aggressive media, beauty and many others, as well as synthesized qualities not typical of glass (for example, heat resistance, strength, bioactivity, controlled conductivity, etc.) do for it.

Various types of glass are used in all spheres of human activity: from construction, visual arts, optics, medicine - to measuring equipment, high technology, astronautics, and aviation.

